Places with Pin Code = 249162

PIN CodePlaceTehsil DistrictState
249162BadiyargarhKirtinagarTehri Garhwal(Uttarakhand)

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Other Pin Codes in Tehri Garhwal District

249122 249126 246186 249180 248179 249186 248008 249145 248252 249146 249106 249155 249181 249121 249123 249161 249175 249192 249142 249103 249147 249137 249165 249196 249131 249001 249156 249199 249132 249124 249130

Banks in PinCode - 249162

State Bank Of India, BadiyarSBIN0007669Dist Tehri Garhwal, uttaranchal

Other Districts in Uttarakhand

Almora Bageshwar Chamoli Champawat Dehradun Haridwar Nainital Pauri Garhwal Pithoragarh Rudraprayag Tehri Garhwal Udham Singh Nagar Uttarkashi

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