Places with Pin Code = 121213

PIN CodePlaceTehsil DistrictState
121213Lakhani Company Plot 131 Sector-6FaridabadFaridabad(Haryana)

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Other Pin Codes in Faridabad District

121101 121004 121006 121003 121202 121002 121205 121219 121211 121218 121007 121001 121215 121011 121214 121201 121220 121005 121203 121010 121210 121207 121209 121204 121217 121008 121206 121212 121009 121216 121208 121103 121106 121105 121107 121102

Other Districts in Haryana

Ambala Kaithal Kurukshetra Panchkula Yamunanagar Faridabad Gurgaon Mahendragarh Mewat Rewari Bhiwani Fatehabad Hisar Jind Sirsa Jhajjar Karnal Panipat Rohtak Sonipat

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